“Harvey Milk always said that this was how the revolution would happen: one lonely kid at a time.”
From Love on the March, New Yorker, 11/12/12 by Alex Ross
The past decade has seen many social and legal changes in support of LGBTQ+ civil rights in the U.S. But gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth may struggle to find acceptance in their families, friends, and communities. LGBTQ teens are one of the highest risk groups for suicide, family rejection, and homelessness. High school students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender are five times more likely to attempt suicide compared to heterosexual peers. In this hour, we highlight the stories of some of the hundreds of thousands of teens who dare to come out, risking everything to tell the truth about who they are. We celebrate their courage, and the courage of those who support them, as they open minds and hearts little by little.
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual young adults who reported higher levels of family rejection during adolescence were 8.4 times more likely to report having attempted suicide, and 5.9 times more likely to report high levels of depression. Pediatrics, January 2009, VOLUME 123 / ISSUE 1 [MORE]
The vast majority of LGBTQ kids are victimized at their school. Bullying ranges from negative comments from both peers and teachers, to actual physical assault. Find out more about what you can do in your school to protect LGBTQ teens and make the school safer for everyone. [MORE]
The great news is that we know what makes a difference in saving LGBT kid’s lives. The next step is to learn about these strategies, find allies and work together to make these changes. [MORE]
Additional Important Topics:
An interview with Inaugural poet, Richard Blanco:
Part II of the interview with Richard Blanco:
Further Reading:
- “How Homophobia Hurts Everyone: A Theoretical Foundation”
- We Are the Youth: Sharing the Stories of LGBT Youth in the United States
- Climate Survey: The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, and Transgender Youth in Our Nation’s Schools
- Schools in Transition: A Guide for Supporting Transgender Students in K-12 Schools
- “Stop Bullying Now”
- Crisis: 40 Stories Revealing the Personal, Social and Religious Pain and
Trauma of Growing Up Gay In America
- Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network
- Trans Youth Equality Foundation
- The Trevor Project
- Equality Federation
Maine Organizations
Discussion questions for Teens:
- What was it like for you to hear these stories? What did you resonate with? What could you not relate to?
- Were there important parts of your experience that got left out? What are they?
- Who are the most trustworthy, and accepting people in your life? Make a list. Can you go to them when things are difficult? Do you? If not, why not, and is this something you can talk to them about?