“Safe Space Radio is the finest program on psychology and mental health that I have ever experienced. I regularly recommend the program to my patients, colleagues, and friends.”—Chris Beach
“The courage and honesty in these stories inspires me with hope and deep compassion for our shared humanity.”—Hilary Graham
“Safe Space Radio invites me to flex my heart muscles, to feel genuine compassion, understanding, and love for Dr. Anne’s courageous guests. Each show reignites my commitment to practicing empathy and tolerance.”—Inga Sandvoss Browne
“Listening to Dr. Hallward’s guests share their stories on Safe Space Radio has helped me to acknowledge my own past, and to start the process of healing. I have sought out help in processing the traumas of my past, and when placed in a situation where I would have usually withdrawn, I have begun telling my own story. In doing so, I have felt free for the first time in my life.”—Emily C.
“Thank you for the honest and compassionate tone of this program, for your bravery, and for bringing light to the shadowy world where trauma lives. What was traumatic becomes heroic in its transformation.”—Nancy Coleman
“What a moving, bittersweet, gorgeous, sensitive, heartbreaking program.”—Patty Washienko
“Safe Space Radio has put so much of my internal struggles into clearer view and restored a real sense of normalcy.”—Roger LaChance
“How transformative it is to be able to talk about the things we feel shamed about… 100% on the money. I am so grateful you are helping so many people find their voice. Truly life saving stuff. CPR for the soul.” Nicole Gibbons (icu nurse)
“Oh, so grateful. Oh, oh, so grateful. Thank you for an offering that will truly help so many people. It’s beautiful work.” B. Parsons
“This is an extraordinary show.” Jim Russell, founder of Marketplace on NPR
“There is so much we keep inside, thinking no one else can relate or understand what we are going through. Safe Space Radio breaks the silence and lets us see we are not alone.” Jory Agate
Another great segment! This one especially can be helpful for the white community to better understand the healing journey we need to take….realizing how we benefit from the fact that Wabanaki peoples were targeted for destruction. It is painful, but important to understand the intentional aspect behind our government’s policies and how we have blamed the victim probably out of our own guilt. The struggles we see in native communities today is not because of who they are but because of 500 years of how they have been treated. Arla Patch
Thank you for this interview… I’ve come away from it thinking so many things related to my own experiences and related to how to integrate those experiences into moving all of us, a collected humanity, towards growth. Incredibly valuable… Virginia Grove
What an amazing story. My heart breaks for the little boy who had to endure such complicated, traumatic exploitation. What courage Carl Russell, now a grown man, has to break the silence and wrestle with his pain all over again. Thank you both for sharing this. Amy Amoroso
Anne, great interview last night! Glenn Close’s work is so important to the cultural awareness of mental illness, as is your show for our community! I was diagnosed with schizoaffective bipolar in 2006, and have only recently come out of the shadows, so to speak. Great to hear that you are working to ameliorate the lives of those who suffer with these diseases. Nathan
Thank you for this. I was in quite a lot of tears after the poem, Yellow Cloak, majestically beautiful. It was interesting to hear you speak of what the expression of grief may do to others, something I have thought about when suddenly in tears, what does it mean, what ignored deep place is it coming from…. Valerie Elbrick
Thank you so much for this touching interview. S, I so appreciate your courage and, as always, love your presence as an interviewer Dr. Anne. Paul Ginter
Excellent show. I wish all teens could listen to this. Thank you, Anne and Aiden. Nicole Chaison
Incredibly moving program. Thanks so much, S, for being strong enough and caring enough to be interviewed. You are an amazing example for all of us. Thanks, Dr. Anne for putting this show on the air!!! Susanne MacArthur
This was a beautiful addition to your program… just beautiful. Such authentic power in these stories. I would love to hear this continue… Thank you, as always, for voicing the silence. Ginny Grey
A beautiful conversation about a painful situation for sure that a lot of people can benefit from hearing to help heal their own pain. Roberta C.
What a delightful, remarkable show! Both the host and guest were bright, personable, articulate and compassionate. The topic was very enlightening and kept me glued to my seat. Excellent conversation at Safe Space! Nonie Freeman
The conversation brought a sense of belonging and so many good talking points. I listened while on a walk and am so happy the universe brought it to me today. Don’t ever underestimate the impact you are having. Be blessed! Melissa Drinan
They are marvellous! Kudos! You are so gifted–and a beautiful radio voice, presence, and handle these topics all so extremely well. These are sensational podcasts! They were both so inspiring and really got my head spinning. John Schumann
As you say, the gift of a loving goodbye is a blessing and does increase the sense of connection. Your episode is lovingly beautiful in its expression of the tenderness of the time of transition. Thank you. Carol Wishcamper
I listened to the entire show. What a gift you have and what a gift you have given. Every interview was so powerful and moving. I felt so heard and so held by you during the interview. You gave me permission to tell the story of my mother’s death in all its complexity and in the editing somehow captured it. I am honored that you asked me and honored by your tender rendering. Mary McCann
I have been reading, listening to, researching and writing about dying, death and grief for 45 years. Your new program is absolutely wonderful! I am so grateful for it. Kaethe Weingarten
My dad listened to “Saying Goodbye” and he completely broke down. My mom said it was the fourth time she’d ever seen him cry. He realized how unconnected he has become to people in his life and he’s going to send the show to his friends and family as a tool to start having deep conversations with them. I wanted to share this with you because I really think these shows are beautiful and that the work you do helps so many people. Sophie M.
This is a magnificent and powerful podcast. Prepare to be deeply moved and to learn important things about life and love. Ken Levit
Ohmygosh. I wept through this entire podcast. It is woven with such depth and soul and artistry. What a mitzvah. It is a true work of art in every sense of what art is meant to be. I am sending the link not only to my young mom client who has just been diagnosed with a cancer that will likely take her within a few months but to the folks I love. And to my high school class mates, all in our mid-70s (and zooming together every week since Covid brought us together in March). Patricia P
So I’m thinking of sending the link to your program to my family, maybe to everyone I love…just to start the conversation and as you did with your father to have the courage to maybe get it wrong. Bethany H
Fantastic work. I love this piece and I love the collaborations that helped bring it to life. This is so powerful and so skillfully woven into a powerful statement based on stories- Truth and Reconciliation, Reparations in all forms, Community Healing- so much here to build on and act on. Tim Lord